Welcome, Karibu sana, Bienvenue, inikwani dehina met’ahi, ahlan wa sahlan, Bem-Vindo to Not an Afterthought. Feel free to insert the word for welcome in whichever African language you speak🙂

Who are we?

Not an Afterthought is is a publication that through weekly essays explores all the reasons Africa is not and should not be considered an afterthought.

We will look at some of the reasons this view persists with a view to encourage entrepreneurs to innovate around these problems.

We will dig into how the ongoing tech revolution in the continent can and is playing a role in eradicating the perspective that Africa is an afterthought. In particular, how Africans are using tech to build sustainable solutions capable of competing in the global economy.

We will spotlight the ingenious tech and business innovations cropping up across the continent. A big part of why Africa has always been considered an afterthought is the idea that Africans are not capable. The highlighted innovations will prove the depth of the capacity of Africans.

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Community. Join a community of like-minded individuals who believe and are excited about the potential of continent. Individuals who believe in the role the private sector will play in transforming the continent into the next global powerhouse.

Aspiring startup founders/entrepreneurs. Get deep insight and greater understanding of the perennial problems plaguing the continent and get inspired to innovate around/solve these problems.

Share ideas and connect with value-adding individuals. A space where you can connect with skilled individuals (both tech and non-technical) who can help bring your idea to life.

Investors. Get actionable insight that can aid you in determining where to invest, what to invest in, and which African country best suits your interest.

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Leading the conversation on how Africa can leverage TECH, TRADE(AfCFTA), REGIONAL INTEGRATION and PANAFRICANISM to build a continent that's Not An Afterthought.


Computer Scientist || Tech Nerd🤓 || Building a Startup || Tech writer with five years' experience|| Problem solver committed to using tech to build sustainable solutions for and in Africa || Pan-African